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Who should teach children sex education – fatheror mother?

In the society, most people believe certain responsibilities are reserved for the men while some are for the women. On teaching children about sex education,Saturday PUNCHasked some people whether it should be the responsibility of the fathers or mothersFather should teach son; mother should teach daughterSeun AjibolaWell, if it is a male child, the father should be responsible for that, and if it is a female child, the mother should handle that. It should be like this because a male child would be able to relate his body anatomy with his father’s and likewise, a girl child would be able to do same with her mother’s. It will be so difficult and I think it also seems awkward for a father to teach his daughter about sex, and a mother doing same for her son.It should be a joint responsibilityDaniel OluwoleIt should be the responsibility of both husband andwife. It should not be left to the women alone because the level of decadence in the society now has gone beyond leaving such a huge responsibility to one person. To me, it should be a joint effort regardless of who is closer to the children. I also believe that once a child is eight years old, sex education should be introduced to him or her. It may not necessarily follow a particular order as it could even be done during casual discussions. It must be very flexible and simple.Both parents should do itTunmise AdeniranSex education should be the responsibility of both parents. Since both of them indulged in the action that produced the children, they should jointly be able to teach both the male and female children about sex. And they don’t have to teach them individually; they can do so at times when they areboth around, e.g. during family picnics. It is very important.It is wrong to teach children about sexInnocent IkelesinNone of them. Nobody should teach children aboutsex. Why should parents or anybody teach children about sex? In the olden days, nobody taught our parents about sex and they grew up with high morals. Social vices such as rape, child molestation and the rest are a product of civilisation. Sex and everything about it should be completely kept out of the reach of children. Even parents who want to teach the children are guilty. These days, you see parents kissing and doing funny things in the presence of their children. When you teach children, it is like encouraging them to do it because they may practise it someday, but if they don’t know, they will fear suchthings. I won’t teach my children.It’s the joint responsibility of both parentsIfeanyi OkwusoguThe truth of the matter is that God has given the kids to both parents, and not just to the mother or father. So I believe both parents should learn to do the job together if they want their children to be able to open up to them. Often times, fathers believe it is the responsibility of the mothers. It is not supposed to be so. They should both be able tocontribute to the enlightenment of their children about sex so that the children would be able to strike a balance between both parents’ perspectives.Mothers are in a better positionAnyimigbo EmmanuelIt is a joint responsibility. Even though children arecloser to their mothers than the fathers, and they tend to have more intimate relationship and discussion with their mothers, so she might be in agood position to teach them about sex, but the man can also help. I also believe that educating them on sex should start when they are 10 years and above because children know some of these things than you think. Sex education is good because children need proper guidance in their formative years, so both parents should give it their best.The burden lies more on the mother

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