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Oscar Pistorius Breaks Down Again In Court

4Oscar Pistorius broke down in court again today amid accusations he was concocting astory from the witness box.As he began his sixth day of evidence, Pistorius was immediately accused of lying in court as he was cross-examined by prosecutor Gerrie Nel.At one point he broke down and the court was adjourned as he was asked to explain what he had shouted at "intruders" on the night of the shooting.A supporter clings on to Oscar Pistorius as he arrives at court todayFrom the witness box, Pistorius raised his voice and shouted: "I said 'get the **** out of my house, I said get the **** out of my house'," before breaking down into sobs. Earlier, Mr Nel said: "Today I'm going to prove your version of events is untrue. That you tailored your version, concocted your story."Your version is so improbable that it cannot reasonably possibly be true."Pistorius spoke softly and appeared low in energy as he replied to the prosecutor's questions. Mr Nel asked: "Today I pick up that you are not sure about things. Is there anything wrong?"Pistorius replied: "No."On another occasion, Mr Nel asked: "Is there something wrong with you? You are touchingyour eyes."Pistorius replied: "My eyes are sore."Mr Nel said: "Why are you touching your eyesnow?"The judge then interrupted Mr Nel, to stop his line of questioning. Pistorius admits shooting his girlfriend ReevaSteenkamp dead on Valentine's Day last year- but says he believed that she was an intruder.This morning, Pistorius denied that there had been an argument before the shooting and that the model was planning to leave the flat. On several occasions, Pistorius was picked up on alleged inconsistencies in his evidence.Reeva Steenkamp was shot in the toilet of Pistorius' homeHe was forced to concede that he "must havemade a mistake" when he said last week that he "whispered" to Ms Steenkamp to stay low on the night of the shooting.He admitted that he "spoke in a low tone", rather than whispered. Mr Nel said Pistorius was "tailoring his evidence".Pistorius replied: "I don't understand why I would be tailoring my evidence by saying 'whisper'."He was also asked why he had initially said that he "heard a noise" on the night of the shooting but later changed that to "hearing a window sliding open".Pistorius explained: "When my bail was done,I was in a holding cell, I was on medication, I was traumatised - it was not made clear to me that it was exhaustive."Pistorius spends his sixth day in the witness box todayDuring questioning, Pistorius appeared to become irritated as Mr Nel quizzed him aboutprecise details related to items in the Paralympian's bedroom.Mr Nel spent several minutes asking Pistorius about the significance of a blue LEDlight which was left on, on the night of the alleged murder. He also returned to quizzing Pistorius about the position of a fan in the room, as well as a pair of jeans owned by Reeva Steenkamp.Earlier, Pistorius, 27, was greeted outside the court by supporters with white balloons and Christians, playing and singing music.Reeva Steenkamp was a model and minor TV celebrityOne of the supporters clung to his hand for several seconds as he walked into the Pretoria court. The athlete's account of the shooting has already been challenged in three days of tough interrogation.On Friday, Pistorius said Ms Steenkamp did not scream or shout as he grabbed a gun andfired the shots that killed her.The defendant said he could not explain why she had not shouted out, or screamed.At one point on Friday the cross examination led an emotional Pistorius to admit he could be giving inconsistent answers because he was tired.This prompted the judge, Thokozile Masipa, to ask if he was able to continue with his evidence.Pistorius denies premeditated murder and illegally possessing ammunition in relation toMs Steenkamp's death.He also denies two further counts related to shooting a gun in public in separate incidentsprior to the killing.

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