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2014 jamb exam date released plus no more 2nd choice

12014 JAMB UTME Exam date, which included the Paper Pencil Test (PPT) and Dual Based Test (DBT) is Saturday, 5th April, 2014. No date has been announced for the JAMB UTME Computer Based Test (CBT). Here is the message released by JAMB Regarding the 2014 UTME Exam date Date and Venue for the 2014 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination The date for the conduct of the examination is Saturday, 5th April, 2014 for Paper Pencil Test (PPT) and Dual Based Test (DBT). The date for Computer Based Test (CBT) will be announced later. The venue of the examination will be at the candidates’ chosen town during on-line registration. So, we all know now the date for the 2014 JAMB UTME Examination. It is important to tell you that there is No More 2nd Choice Option In UTME 2014[What this means is that, during 2014 JAMB UTME Registration, you will only be able to choose 1 University, 1 Polytechnic, 1 College of Education and 1 Computer Institute (This is a new concept)]. Take note!

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